SO! I'm not particularly fond of wishing people HAPPY BIRTHD*Y on social networking sites, which will remain UN-named... *cough* Faceb...
I don't know, it just seems so... like, you wouldn't actually have known that it was someone's birthday had you not gotten an email about it telling you. Reminding you of YOUR
friend's birthday which you, should actually know. I dunno. I guess it's quite a good thing that FB reminds us then huh. Hahaha I dunno - that's ME - OVER ANALYTICAL.
ANYWAY! WHOA! Enough about ME.
In my attempt to be creative and innovative in my wishing of birthday happiness to my dear Taylabean, I thought I'd conjure her up a BLOG. Which is kind of
like, an inside laugh for us both. Kind of. Or maybe just for me. Hah
Happy TAYLA's Day TayTay Teebie-lu.
I like the way you've changed the little box underneath your Facebook DP, just by one number. That is cuteness.
For letting me read your undeleted... **O*, and thus letting
see into your heart!
OH! For teaching me how to heart.
For letting me try my new FONTS out on you.
For hugs and stuff, for smiles, just for being weird ole' satisfied you.

You're beautiful and we (Jesus and I) Heart you indeed.
This is a photo of me and Tayla when we were babies. Yeah
, we go waaaay back.
(I'm the one on the left... obviously)