Sunday, June 27, 2010

how i wish you were here.

it is 12:09am and i should be in bed, but i must tell you about a man that we should all know, but sadly we don't.
i blog this to the background music 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd. i heard this for the first time tonight, over Skype. my daddio played it on the guitar to me... "wish you were here"... he's gone to bed now, so i compensate with the good old youtube version of the song. not as good, but good enough for now. while he's gone.

"how i wish you were here"

A child's stability, foundation, solid ground, hiding place and refuge, warmth in the winter, light in the dark, comfort during sadness, Love.

A girl needs that man in her life, who will never leave her, who will be always with her and for her. Who will cheer her on at her games. Who will read her blogs. Who will video her music recitals and show it off. Who will tell her she is the most beautiful darling girl in the world. Who will make her feel special amongst so many special people. Who will accept her, no matter what she does... no matter who she wastes time on, or how. Who she knows she can always return to, however far she may stray.

and who will protect her from the men who don't do any of these things right.
Who will protect her from the men who don't do any of these things right?

A boy needs that man in their life, that will teach him how to make it in the cold cold world, who will video his game, or his tournament, or his dance, and show it off to the world. Who will teach him to have fun and make fun. Who will teach him to show emotion. Who will teach him that it is okay to not be okay. Who will teach him how to look after himself and his family. Who will teach him to throw a ball, or do an equation, or spell a word. Who will teach him to earn respect if he ever wants to gain it.

and Who will love him and not be too proud to show it.
Who will love him and not be too proud to show it?

Dads... where are you? you have a responsibility to him and to her.
She needs you and he needs you.
I need you.

I'm blessed, my dad is not here, but he tries.
i can't imagine how hard it is for those whose dad's don't.
"how i wish, i wish you were here"

ApplezForKnowledge - my dad, i love you.xx

his guitaring is sometimes the only thing that calms me in the middle of a hectic week, term, year, life.

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