there's an endless sea
and it's never easy
wasn't meant to be
as the sun goes down
and it's hard to see
would you walk the road... with me?
this year, I've learnt a lot that I didn't already know.
i've lear
nt what loss feels like.
i've learnt what it feels like to know someone who's on the edge.
i've learnt that i really am not p
erfect. (i mean, i've always known it but does anyone really realise it until they are in the midst of a situation that brings out the true carnality in them?)
i've learnt that a lot of the time, you don't get what you want.
i've learnt that humans are the hardest species to work with.
i've learnt that the people that said 'life is hard', really weren't lying.
its funny though, because whenever i think of these th
ings, i also think of the fact that i'm only seventeen and that there is still so much to learn. hahaha... hahaha? really?
OH GOSH, there is a future to look forward to...
life after high school.
My Aimee and I usually discuss life after high school.
it's quite exciting, but at the same time - totally nerve racking and daunting.
what is to happen to us?
what will we do with our lives?
careers? marriage? ministry? location
what will be doing!?? when and where will be doing it??!!
scary stuff, the future.
very HighSchoolMusical 2 stuff.
anyone else feel that way?
ApplezForKnowledge - seeking some Knowledge.
I have an old friend.
She is so much like me, and yet so much different to me.
We have totally different views on what composes a 'good-looking guy'.
But we know the same requirements of any guy that is to be considered.
She's into Arts (TOP IN DESIGN!!), I'm into Science.
She has this confidence about her that gives her an unshakable, unwavering faith that I admire so much.
The confidence is in who God's made her to be.
She's so beautiful, inside and out.
She deserves the best, and will get only the best.
I know it.
I hope we never part :)
She had her ball lastnight, I went to see her and
she looked absolutely stunningly on fire! (GREEN FIRE! haha, get it? Green fire! green and orange ;D)
Amazing. If she didn't mind me putting a pic up I would, but she probably would mind so I shan't :)
this is what we do when we hang out.

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